Quartz crystals are silicon-dioxide based relatively simple, but critical components used in most electronic circuits mainly for timing and frequency generation applications for clocks, ucontrollers, analogue/ digital devices, microprocessors and many others. Although in very small size they exhibit extremely high Q (sharp frequency), temperature stability and low frequency shift.
A unique inherit property of quartz crystals is their piezoelectricity, namely the application of a electric field/voltage across the crystal will cause the crystal to oscillate/generate a signal of a very precise frequency. The opposite is also true, i.e. any applied pressure on the crystal will generate a voltage at the crystals terminals. The frequency generated by a quartz crystal is a function of the crystal size, shape, and chemical composition, but basically it can be designed to generate any desired frequency.
- State-of-the-art 32.768 kHz SMD tuning fork Crystals. THT (Through-hole) and SMD type. Smallest size 1.2 × 1.0 mm (Tight tolerance: up to ± 5ppm / Wide temperature range: -40 ° C ~ +85 ° C)
- AT-Cut Crystals up to 200 MHz SMD or THT. Smallest size 1.6 × 1.2 mm.
- Extended temperature range of -40 ° C ~ +125 ° C
- Standard and customised Crystals
Please count on our sales, technical and logistics support in selecting the right quartz crystals for your application.